About Me

Our nation has reached a critical moment, and I can no longer sit on the sidelines. I’m a builder, a mom, a conservative activist, and now I’m fighting to take down the DC Swamp and champion conservative policy in Congress.
Proudly endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


Whether it’s a business, a commercial real estate property, or a better life for my family, I’m passionate about building. As a businesswoman, I’ve rebuilt and revitalized countless properties throughout Kentucky and beyond. I’ll bring my building experience and business experience straight to Washington – just like President Trump did.

Fearless Trump  Ally.

Congress is full of RINO turncoat Republicans who say they support Trump, but turn their back on him when it counts. We cannot afford to send weak leaders to Washington. In Congress, I’ll fight for an AMERICA FIRST agenda, and never abandon President Trump or my conservative principles.

Conservative Activist.

You’ll often find me out in the community, fighting for what we as conservatives believe in. I proudly voted for President Trump in both 2016 and 2020, and I’ve spoken out against spineless Republicans and far-left Democrats right here in Kentucky. The radical left wants to destroy our children's future with reckless spending, indoctrination in schools, and endless government overreach. We cannot let that happen. We need a fighter representing us in Washington. 


I am passionate about serving in my community, especially as an advocate in the foster care community to draw attention to a national crisis. There are 400,000 children in the US foster care system - 9,000 of which are right here in Kentucky. The majority of children in care stem from parents struggling with drug addiction. This correlates directly from the constant surge of drugs flowing over our porous southern border. 
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