The Issues

In Congress, I’ll fight the radical left and defend conservative principles. Here’s how:

Illegal  Immigration

Drugs and crime are pouring across our southern border, yet the Democrats and RINO Republicans are letting it happen. Trump was right: we need to BUILD THE WALL, BAN SANCTUARY CITIES, and END ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION once and for all.

Term Limits

Washington is full of career politicians who will say anything to get elected, and then abandon their promises at the Capitol door. To continue President Trump’s mission to DRAIN THE SWAMP, I’ll fight for term limits on members of Congress.

Medical Freedom

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is NOT contingent based on vaccine status. Mandates have NO place in a free society. I am against vaccine and mask mandates - this is clearly an example of an infringement on our constitutional rights. 

Second Amendment

The radical left is coming after our guns, but I won’t let them get away with it. The Constitution is clear: “The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Fiscal Responsbility

It’s obvious that career politicians have never run a business, because every day, the US Government is spending more than it makes. Liberal pet-projects, wasteful spending, and out-of-control government programs are bankrupting us, and our children and grandchildren will have to foot the bill. In Congress, I’ll fight for a BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT.

Pro-Life, Pro-Family

As a Christian and a mother of five children, I am unapologetically pro-life. While the radical left wants unrestricted abortions and fatherless homes, I’ll be a champion for the pro-life movement and for strong families.

Lower Taxes

Democrats want to raise taxes on the middle class to fund disastrous policies like Medicare For All and the Green New Deal. Instead, I’ll fight to CUT TAXES and let citizens keep their hard-earned money.

Protect Freedom

The last few months have shown just how power-hungry the government is. Endless lockdowns, restrictive mandates, and freedom-crushing executive orders are sweeping our nation. Kentucky needs a FIGHTER who will defend FREEDOM at all costs.
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